Vision Therapy
What is Vision Therapy?
Some visual conditions cannot be treated adequately with just glasses, contact lenses and/or patching, and are best resolved through a program of Vision Therapy. Our evaluations determine the patient’s ability to take in visual information efficiently and process visual information accurately. Vision therapy is a sequence of neurosensory and neuromuscular procedures individually prescribed and monitored by the doctor to develop, rehabilitate and enhance visual efficiency, processing, and integration. A vision therapy program is designed from results of a comprehensive eye examination, and takes into consideration the results of standardized tests, the needs of the patient, and the patient’s signs, symptoms, and vision goals. These are the vision abilities you need for successful performance in school, work, driving, sports, and everyday life.
Who Benefits from Vision Therapy?
Children and adults with visual challenges, such as:
- Learning-related Vision Problems
Vision Therapy can help those individuals who lack the necessary visual skills for effective reading, writing, and learning (i.e., eye movement and focusing skills, convergence, eye-hand activity, visual memory skills, etc.)
- Poor Binocular (2-eyed) Coordination
Vision Therapy helps individuals develop normal coordination and teamwork of the two eyes (binocular vision). When the two eyes fail to work together as an effective team, performance in many areas can suffer (reading, sports, depth perception, eye contact, etc.)
- Convergence Insufficiency
Scientific research has proven that in-office Vision Therapy is the best treatment for Convergence Insufficiency, which is the inability of the eye to work together at near distances (reading, computer).
- Amblyopia (lazy eye)
Vision Therapy can help to improve vision in children and even adults.
- Diplopia (double vision), and Strabismus (cross-eyed, wandering eye, eye turns)
Vision Therapy can help to reduce double vision and help the eyes work as a team in children and adults.
- Stress-related Visual Problems – Blurred Vision, Visual Stress from Reading and Computers, Eye Strain Headaches, and/or Vision-induced Stomachaches or Motion Sickness
21st century life demands more from our vision than ever before. Many children and adults constantly use their near vision at school, work and home. Environmental stresses on the visual system (including excessive computer use or close work) can induce blurred vision, eyestrain, headaches, etc.
- Visual Rehabilitation for Brain Injury – Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Stroke, Concussion
Vision can be compromised as a result of neurological disorders or trauma to the nervous system. Vision Therapy can effectively treat the visual consequences of brain trauma (including double vision).
- Visual Rehabilitation for Special Needs – Developmental Delays, Visual Perceptual Deficits, Attention Deficit Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders
Vision processing skills are important to help one interpret visual information. We can assess vision processing skills and help improve deficient skills.
- Sports Vision Improvement
Strong visual skills are critical to sports success. Not much happens in sports until your eyes instruct your hands and body as to what to do! We can measure and successfully improve eye-hand coordination, visual reaction time, peripheral vision, eye focusing, eye tracking and teaming, visualization skills, and more. Find out how children and adults improve coordination and sports ability through Vision Therapy.
Vision Therapy can be the answer to many visual problems. Don’t hesitate to contact our office with your questions.
Visual Rehabilitation
- Stroke/brain injury
- Developmental delays
- Neurological disorder
- Other conditions
Vision can be compromised as a result of neurological disorders or trauma to the nervous system. Vision Therapy can effectively treat the visual consequences of brain trauma (including double vision).
To learn more about visual rehabilitation with vision therapy, see:
- Visual Rehabilitation following Brain Damage, Birth Injury, Head Injury, Stroke, Acquired Brain Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), etc.
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Blurred Vision, Reading Problems, Double Vision, Eye Pain, Headaches with Reading, Visual Field Loss.
- Brain Injury Rehabilitation – Success Stories with Vision Therapy.
- Developmental Delays, Visual Perceptual Visual-Motor Deficits, Attention Deficit Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders
To learn more about vision therapy as it relates to developmental delays or disorders, see: